Saturday, 30 December 2017

Social media marketing trends to watch for 2018

How is 2018 going to change the lives and fortunes of those involved in social media marketing?

The end of this year is almost here. We can already hear the jingle bells, and the kazoos are not very far either. This is the perfect time to reflect on the trends that have dictated social media marketing for the past almost 12 months. This will help us decipher the old, new and odd trends that have cropped up in the recent times. It will help us be the oracle for the upcoming year and help us predict (with almost meticulous accuracy) the trends that will thrive in 2018.

The winds of change

A massive change for 2018 is going to be transparency in paid ad campaigns and brand sponsorships. FTC or the Federal Trade Commission has made it compulsory for all brands, influencers, and celebrities to crack down their marketing and endorsement policies across networks.

2017 was the year of the video

The video was everywhere. We saw live videos on Facebook and Instagram. We also saw that somewhat crude live feeds from brands as well as individual users tend to win more viewership. Raw video content like the kind we see on Instagram stories and Facebook updates are the runaway hits of 2017. The young adults spend over 32 minutes every day on Instagram.

Almost 50% of all leading businesses now have an Instagram account that publishes stories at least twice a week. The raw content captures the true essence of life, and they appeal to the mass users of social media accounts.

YouTube is still leading regarding serving video content. YouTube users browse and watch about 500 million hours of video every day. Twitter and Facebook are catching up fast, but the kind of video the users want to watch vary between these platforms. Predictions from the industry psychics indicate that video content will comprise at least 80% of internet content by 2018.

Respect the AI awakening

Keeping all the evil AI fantasies and fears aside, Artificial Intelligence is taking over the world. Not with their cunning dominance and desire to enslave humanity, of course! Rather with their ability to streamline the inflow of big data, master machine learning, and dish out scrumptious prediction analysis reports.

Almost all old and new remote database companies are already expressing their love for AI overtly. If your business does not have provisions for database management in the current operations scenario, you can be in trouble. There is no respite from big data when you are out on social media, interacting with your customers directly.

Well, there is a smart solution though! Instead of spending a fortune on internal IT teams and in-house DBA teams, you can get the best of both by opting for remote DBA services. Companies like RemoteDBA.comcan always ensure that you get the best of the best big data management services, data analytics, and AI integration into your company database.

Remote database management companies can also help you to optimize your Chabot and clear the field for instant message replies in 2018. People do not like to shop from sites, who do not have easily accessible customer service. You need to put yourself among the group of high-tech websites and e-commerce sites, who use chatbots to reply to customer complaints, queries and needs instantly.

Organic reach is so passé

Although studies show that in 2017, Facebook videos enjoyed a 135% increase in organic reach, the leading industry marketing psychics predict that this might be the end of organic reach on social media. Sounds quite contradictory, doesn’t it? This might be because millions of companies are honing into the popular acceptance of video content on social media. When everyone out there is sharing neatly hashtagged videos including Fortune 500 companies and your aunt Kim, it is going to be a tough competition for organic traffic.

As of 2017, most marketers are rooting on Facebook and Instagram for increasing their reach. These are also two of the most competitive platforms for social marketing. Therefore, it is not surprising that these companies are willing to spend a fortune on paid advertising campaigns like PPC on these channels and networks. Most influencers are looking to expand their social media budget this upcoming year. Facebook users top the list, Instagram follows closely, and the third contender on the list is the champion of B2B social campaigns – LinkedIn.

Ads are not enough, find a story to tell

Social media advertisements are more ancient than yesterday. If you are still working on an old school advertisement movie script or a content ad script, you can throw it out the window! That is NOT going to work for the new and motivated audience. They are always on the lookout for something new, blindingly awesome and fresh.

Your brand needs a story. It can quite literally be an Instagram Story or a Facebook Story, but it has to have a contextual narrative. This is very true for companies using Snapchat as their channel of choice as well. We are expecting this feature to explode like a nebula in 2018. A little over 200 million people are already creating their own stories on Instagram, and the popularity is not going to slow down to do any old-school promotional campaigns a favor.

While there is a ton some companies are planning to do in 2018, you will need to make your to-do list. We are sure you are already ahead of a lot of contenders in your way. So go ahead, research into the leading trends, find how your company can perform better and engage in the new practices that will increase your 2018 turnover. Data analysts and social media analytics tools can help you understand, which platforms are driving more traffic to your site and which ones are generating the highest ROI (Returns on Investments).

Author Bio:

Sujain Thomas is a data analyst. She has been working with leading teams of DBAs in the country. Her collaborations with foreign companies have paved the way for new research and finding new trends.

If you would like to have your company featured in the Irish Tech News Business Showcase, get in contact with us at or on Twitter: @SimonCocking 

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