Friday, 23 February 2018

Top Social Media Marketing Hacks for 2018

With statistics suggesting that more than 65 million businesses have a Facebook business page and there being over 3.03 billion active Social Media users, both businesses and consumers benefit.

Social Media Marketing is unceasingly proving to be successful and it has given traditional advertising a run for its money -- thanks to the advanced metrics in this domain that now help marketers understand their audience's preferences and purchasing behavior a lot better.

Modern marketing teams can never ignore the power of social. Given the evolving industry innovations and changing consumer habits, what should marketers keep in mind?

1. Video will be everything

With there being an increasing desire to focus on churning out engaging content using interactive methods, video is slated to be the next big thing for digital campaigns. With a growing mobile user base and lowered attention spans, one of the most effective ways to win at the social media game is with captivating videos.

Where would you even start? How can video drive leads for your company? Ryan Peña, Social Media Strategist, Be the Match, will share some interesting insights at this February’s Social Media Strategies Summit.  Use code MARTECH15 at checkout and save 15% on your registration.

That brings in another question: How can B2B marketers ensure that their videos are a hit with viewers? Just creating video content is not enough. Focusing on creating video content that resonates with audiences is more important. Here’s your answer to the question, Should your B2B have its own YouTube Channel?

2. Meaningful messaging

Facebook’s recent newsfeed policy tweaks suggest that there will be a shift in the digital marketer’s mindset too. Why would a leading social media platform that earned an impressive revenue through ads revise their ad feeds? Maybe this decision also suggests the changing needs of a typical consumer.

The social media connect over the years has allowed brands and customers to have more interactive and meaningful exchanges. Consumers want more of this. Superficial messaging that simply sounds good won’t cut it anymore.

Remember, for 2018, content is not just king. Context is!

3. Hyper-personalization

Hyper-personalization is where the big money in digital marketing is at. With more and more consumers using customization as a tactic to win and retain customers, it will be more important than ever to center strategies around this. As tools and technology evolve, and as the consumer mindset changes, it is important for businesses to use these markers as insights to build a far more capable social media strategy.

Social media marketers, you’re invited to join the growing discussion on how to effectively leverage social media for your brand. We’ve partnered with the Social Media Strategies Summit - San Francisco to give you access to a diverse conversation about the best social media marketing practices. Use our code MARTECH15 at checkout and save 15% on your registration.

#SMSSummit will feature 6 ultra-focused tracks designed to deliver in-depth insights into strategy development, content creation, ROI growth, paid social and much more! This is a must-attend for any marketing professional looking for practical takeaways to help address a spectrum of social media marketing challenges.

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