A BJP worker has been arrested in Kerala for allegedly posting derogatory comment against CPI(M) MLA, Veena George. S Sooraj, admin of Facebook page 'BJP Elanthur' was arrested in connection with the post about dilapidated condition of Pathanamthitta bus stand and calling the attention of the Aranmula MLA.
Sooraj who was charged with section 158 IPC (giving provocation with the intention of causing violence) was later released on station bail. On 2nd June 'BJP Elanthur' had posted a photograph of water logging in Pathanamthitta bus stand with the below description.
"Dear MLA madam it would be helpful if you can address the issue after beauty parlours and Orthodox dinners. Madam you have government vehicle to travel. Otherwise, there would be enough vehicles of the Church or Muthoot. The voters have no other means, madam."
Following this Veena George MLA filed a complaint with local police leading to the arrest of S Sooraj, the page admin. However After social media criticism against the arrest, Aranmula MLA ,Veena George in her Facebook post said that complaint was registered because the post was trying to create communal hatred and tried to insult the MLA as a woman.
Sooraj who was charged with section 158 IPC (giving provocation with the intention of causing violence) was later released on station bail. On 2nd June 'BJP Elanthur' had posted a photograph of water logging in Pathanamthitta bus stand with the below description.
"Dear MLA madam it would be helpful if you can address the issue after beauty parlours and Orthodox dinners. Madam you have government vehicle to travel. Otherwise, there would be enough vehicles of the Church or Muthoot. The voters have no other means, madam."
Following this Veena George MLA filed a complaint with local police leading to the arrest of S Sooraj, the page admin. However After social media criticism against the arrest, Aranmula MLA ,Veena George in her Facebook post said that complaint was registered because the post was trying to create communal hatred and tried to insult the MLA as a woman.
Resource : https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bjp-worker-arrested-for-criticizing-mla-on-social-media-1258116-2018-06-12
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